Goodbye Harry Belafonte...

Another star from the Golden Age had passed away, taking with him a small whiff of nostalgia...

Harry Belafonte was best known for his Calypso music, most notably the song "Day-O", 1955. But for me, the song, although famous even in my time, did not make him known to me. Actually, I just knew the song, not the singer. In fact, I only found out he was a singer, after I came across an episode of "What's My line", 1955:

A few years ago, after watching him on one of the best films of the 1950s, "The World, The Flesh And The Devil", 1959, I started searching more about him, hoping I'd find more films he was in, which by chance lead me to finally find out that he was behind "Day-O" hehe

A day before Belafonte passed away, I came across a video of "We Are The World", 1985, where some of the musicians began singing that song as a tribute. It's very strange that whenever I see a video of someone I haven't seen in a long time, I hear of their passing the following day...

It's creepy...

Anyway, as always I don't really know how to give tribute to stars other then remember their work, so what was your favourite film of Belafonte's?

Mine is the one I had already mentioned as it was the only one I had watched him in. Well actually, Rasha and I attempted to watch another film of his; "Odds Against Tomorrow", 1959, but couldn't bear finishing it, because the cast was bad and the acting worse, plus the direction bored us to death.

I do want to watch; "Bright Road", 1953 and "Carmen Jones", 1954, both starring alongside Dorothy Dandridge as well as "Island In The Sun", 1957, starring James Mason, Joan Fontaine and again Dorothy Dandridge.

Although they don't sound as great as "The World, The Flesh And The Devil", they still sound interesting.


  1. I didn't know how much I missed your posts until I read this. You say you don't know how to pay tribute to stars other than mention their work, but this gave me goosebumps.
    My favourite film is of course just like yours. We should watch all these soon, Especially the one with James Mason, Dorothy Dandridge and JOAN FONTAINE!!!


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