Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears A Crown

After writing about the late Sultan Qaboos a few days ago, I thought it disrespectful not to congratulate the new Sultan.

Although it might be extremely hard for Omanis to get over the loss, it must be a hundred times worse for him.

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
Shakespeare's Henry IV -  Act 3, Scene 1

Sultan Haitham was only 15/16 years old, when Sultan Qaboos ascended the throne. He not only witnessed the modernisation of Oman, but he experienced it firsthand being Sultan Qaboos's first cousin.

And now... he has to look after an orphaned nation...

Of course, it goes without saying, that nobody could ever replace Sultan Qaboos, but I have great confidence in Sultan Haitham, that he is worthy of the honour of following such a great - and rare - leader.

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night - Act 2 Scene 5

Sultan Qaboos was born great and achieved greatness that he has thrust greatness into Sultan Haitham's path, and God willing, we will see equal - or more if possible - greatness from Sultan Haitham, as he most evidently had shown in his work for the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.

I want his Majesty to know that we will be by his side, for we are Omanis and if Sultan Qaboos has taught us anything at all, he has taught us patience and loyalty above everything else.

"Omanis are a nation bound together by the Islamic fundamental ideology, by the friendly social ties and loyalty to the country"
Sultan Qaboos Speech, 1974

And to my fellow Omanis, I say:

"We must cherish and preserve this beautiful land that God has given us and protect it from wanton destruction. This we are determined to do, but it is a task that is the responsibility of every one of us."
Sultan Qaboos Speech, 1980


  1. Beautiful post Masha’Allah.
    I love the Shakespeare quotes so much. And the Sultan Qaboos ones obviously.
    I feel the same about Sultan Haitham and God Willing he’ll do just as you said.

    1. Thank you hehe. I knew you're appreciate the Shakespeare quotes. Anything Shakespearean reminds me of you actually hehe.
      Insha'Allah he will!


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