Tell A Joke Day!

Rasha and I had bought the "Leave It To Beaver" collection a month and a half ago, and started watching it every morning. Everytime I watch it, I laugh as though I'm watching it for the first time. We're still on the first season and this morning, we watched episode 33, "Wally's Job".

Today happens to be 'Tell A Joke Day' and by coincidence, on the episode of Beaver that we watched today, Ward Cleaver said a funny joke that I always repeat to Rasha. You can watch it below:

Rasha wears glasses that's why hehehe

I remember when I was little, my siblings and I loved telling eachother jokes. We even used to buy jokes and riddle books. I think everyone did back then.

When we were bored in those days, we used to come up with jokes so we can tell our friends in school. Good times!

Can you think of any jokes from your childhood or any good jokes you heard recently?


  1. I can watch ‘Leave it to Beaver’ all day and not get bored!
    Old joke: I remember one but it won’t make a lot of sense in English...not that it did in Arabic anyway hahah!
    New joke:’re a joke!


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