Happy Mother's Day

Today is mother's day, so I thought I'd post a video that reminds me of my mother the most hahahaha

We always seemed to drive her mad!

Show: I Love Lucy
Title: Ricky's Movie Offer
Season: 04
Episode: 06

I know everyone says this about their own mother, but I truly believe I have the best mother in the world, even though I might not show it as much at times - because I'm a brat.

She is a superwoman for putting up with all of us. Though she was a very young mother, to her, we always came first. She always put us before herself and never complained.

I think in my twenties I complained a lot about silly things I thought she should've done when I was a child, as though I was perfect myself, but after seeing some mothers today, I appreciate every "mistake" she ever did.

She is God Almighty's biggest blessing and I thank him for it everyday.

I hope I can be as great a mother as she is someday, though I don't know how I could ever amount to her.

Thank God Almighty for my mother and for everything always.


  1. ...she really is the best mother. I remember as children we used to tell our friends that we had the best mother and everyone agreed and I never found it was strange that everyone believed it as we did, it just seemed like a natural feeling for everyone. I didnā€™t think it was strange for them not to say their mothers were.
    And to this day I wouldnā€™t be surprised if someone agreed.
    Alhamdulillah for our mother, she is truly the best description of purity and kindness. We are blessed with a lot of things but she is the greatest blessing.


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