Good Morning Fellow Isolators!

Good morning everyone!

I have breakfast with my sister Rasha everyday and this photograph reminds me of us somehow hehe


What Are You Having For Breakfast?

These days, our breakfast is more Indian - or what I think an Indian breakfast is. We have Chapati (a savoury pancake bread) with cream cheese - and somethimes egg - along with milk tea.

I know we should be eating healthier in these here corona days, but I love my milk tea, plus I don't like supermarket bread and our cook never made bread other than this and that other healthy one I mentioned before, which I think only tastes good with Feta cheese and I don't want to send the driver everyday to get us fresh cheese for our breakfast, because it would be a little selfish.

I do miss our Kaiser sesame bread and Ciabatta rolls with butter, fresh strawberries and tea breakfast though...hmm


  1. Yes I miss that breakfast too. And I also miss our Arabic breakfast even more ever since I read Feta cheese hahaha.
    I want one of those breakfasts again, but since our Milk Tea now is the only ā€œsweetā€ weā€™re having Iā€™m afraid to change our breakfast Heheh.


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