World Magic Day

Other than it being Halloween, it's Magic Day too, so I'll start this post with a magic spell from a book I stole from the school library when I was in Primary school hahahha yes I still have it!

The book is called Spooky Tricks by Rose Wyler and Gerald Ames.

"Over this house I cast a spell .
Hocus Pocus, watch me well.
Hocus Pocus, watch and see
things as scary as can be.

Hocus Pocus, danger and doom!
Ghosts and spooks come into the room.
Haunt the house. Start the show.
Hocus Pocus, ready, let's go!"

I had this trick memorised back then and used to try out all the tricks in the book. It was great fun. Too bad I didn't have enough of a conscience to return the book to school hehehe

My siblings and I, used to do magic shows all the time. We'd buy magic trick objects and junk sort of like the kind Beaver and Larry bought on the Leave It To Beaver episode; Beaver The Magician (Season 3, Episode 12). We also loved watching magic shows on television and live in the circus. I especially loved it when they'd cut a woman in half.

I remember at our farm once I sat all day trying to figure out a card trick our father showed us that almost everybody was able to figure out except for me. So, I memorised the cards in order instead hahhaha.

Whenever I showed my father the trick, he'd tell me to go back and try harder to do it the right way. Even Rasha who's three years younger got it, but I never did no matter how hard I tried. In the end, my father said that I couldn't figure it out because it was specifically made for Rasha and decided to teach me a different one made especially for me.

What he actually meant to say "you're dumb" hahahhaha

I no longer like watching magic shows because they're a little disturbing. I never really liked the fire/knife swallowing act, but even more so now.

I only enjoy card tricks and silly junk that is harmless.

"The spell is broken. The ghosts all go.
This is the end of the spooky show."


  1. I read that with your voice in my head...hahaha!!! I remember that the spell scared me a little but I tried now to show it...but I thought why would Noora respite it, doesnā€™t she know it might actually work? ...I donā€™t remember there being a spell that broke it hahaha, I was too caught up with the other one.
    I remember that day baba showed us the trick. Was it when everyone was sitting by the pool in the evening? And we kept going back into the house and outside because you tried to figure out the trick inside then went out to show baba hahaha. And then we went to the kitchen to try the hole in the hand trick with a kitchen paper role. I miss those days.

    1. Hahahha actually I was a little scared when I wrote it for this post hahhaha I never used to think about it the meaning...

      Yes I think it was there. I rememeber it started inside in our parents room first then maybe because it took all day, I can imagine going out and in hahhahaha

      I remember the finger trick! When I went through the book for this post, I was so tempted to try them out again hahahah

      I miss those days too!

  2. Oh that spell gave me goosebumps šŸ˜…
    I loved reading about your card story with baba... love our childhood memeories especillay moments like these .... you were too cute ... not dumb at all ... you were actually very smart

    1. Hahahaha yes actually I only realised how creepy the spell sounded when I wrote it hahahah
      Yes we had the best times!
      Hehe thank you ā™„ļø


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