What Are Your Favourite Horror Films?

Today we can officially start the Macabtobre month challenge. I know I should've started earlier, but better late than never hehe.

Horror films evoke fear through supernatural events often inspired by literature or urban legend. Supernatural beings, like ghosts and monsters, are the instruments used to instil that fear.

While there are many sub-genres to Horror, our question for today is just a generalisation of your favourite of the genre.

I haven't a favourite favourite, but I chose those which I've loved from the very first time I'd watched them - most of which I've only seen once.

My Favourites are:
  • The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
  • The Mad Magician (1954)
  • The Werewolf (1956)
  • The Vampire (1957)
  • The Fly (1958)
  • I Married A Monster From Outer Space (1958)
  • House on Haunted Hill (1959)
  • Village of The Damned (1960)
  • The Birds (1963)
  • The Night Walker (1964)
Of course there are many others that I liked but only appreciated as an after thought, so I thought I'd just narrow it down to the ones that gave me an instant feeling of horror satisfaction.

Unfortunately, there are many big name Horror films I have yet to watch like, Frankenstein or Dracula etc, but I plan to watch them eventually and I am sure my list will change over time. 

None of these are really scary, but I think Thrillers are more intimidating for me. I will include those on my next post.

P.S I only included Horror films but not comedies nor thrillers.

NOTE: I have added all the questions in the left hand corner of the blog. Just click on Macabtobre for the whole set. This way you can prepare your posts before hand. You can also view all the non-challenge related Macabtobre posts on the same page.


  1. Hurrrrrraaaaaaay!!! You started it at last! Iā€™m a little too excited!!!
    Itā€™s extremely hard to choose since weā€™ve watched A LOT of Horrors...so I think I need to see the list before answering.
    And since the list is with you Iā€™ll have to answer this tomorrow :(
    Iā€™ll try to make it as short as possible but I doubt it. Iā€™ll most likely have some of the same films on your list in mine...naturally heheh.

    1. Can't wait to see what I left out hehe

    2. Okay, my list is ready!

      Favourite Horror :

      * House of Wax (1953)
      * House on Haunted Hill (1959)
      * The Fly (1958)
      * The Mad Magician (1954)
      * The Birds (1963)
      * I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958)
      * Village of The Damned (1960)
      * The Night Walker (1964)

      I think our lists are almost identical hahah! I left a few out to put in my Comedy list.

    3. hehe I wanted to add House of Wax but don't know why I didn't feel like adding it hahahah maybe because I just recently reviewed it hehe

    4. Actually you forgot to add your favourite; Night of The Demon hahahha

    5. Nooooooooo hahah!
      That was such a horrible film that even Dana Andrews couldnā€™t help it...hahah!

  2. oh I dont watch horror movies ... I have my answer ready for tomorrow's question though ;)

    1. Hehe I think you should watch "The Birds", just for the fashion.
      I can't wait to see your list, so curious hehe


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