What Are Your Favourite Fantasy Comedies?

Fantasy is a genre of film that has a supernatural theme with elements of magic. As it is considered speculative fiction just like horror, I thought I'll use it as a general form of any horror/thriller or fantasy films that are comedic. Therefore, in a broad sense it can include all films macabtobery-comedic.

I didn't have as many as I had on the other lists but I'll still categorise them because they're easier to explain this way.

  • The Hidden Hand, 1942
  • Arsenic And Old Lace, 1944
These two films are horror/thriller comedies and have no supernatural event, but both include murders, so I put them on the same group.

Arsenic And Old Lace is the cosiest thriller comedy I've ever seen. It does have a lot of slapstick comedy, but the story and witty dialogue overshadow that. The story is set on Halloween day and has a very autumny feel. Although there are no signs of Halloween celebration, the actual story is a celebration of Halloween.

I've only recently seen The Hidden Hand and loved it instantly. It was all round hilarious.

  • Topper Returns, 1941
  • Blithe Spirit, 1945
  • 13 Ghosts, 1960
These three fall into the "ghost stories" category. All are very different but lovely in their own way.

Topper Returns I've come across last week and loved it. It is sort of a detective ghost story with great characters. Billie Burke is always hilarious and this is definitely one of her funniest roles.

This is a sequel to Topper, 1937 starring Cary Grant. Unfortunately, I have yet to see it, but I think I'll probably watch it today if I have time.

Blithe Spirit is a film I remember watching as a child. I rewatched it for the second time last year and didn't love it at first, but the more I remembered scenes and lines, the more I wanted to watch it again. That's what most British comedies do to me, with a few exceptions of course. Besides, Rex Harrison is the lead, so I have to like it hehehe.

13 Ghosts could actually just be on my horror list, but I thought I'd include it here because it's a family horror, that I think children would enjoy without the extreme fear factor. Plus the director sort of tells you when the ghosts appear, so you can have time to hide when they do hahahhah. I thought that was a silly move and takes away from the element of surprise but I guess he was trying something new. Anyway I'll get into more detail when I review it...eventually.

  • I Married A Witch, 1942
  • Bell, Book And Candle, 1958
These two films have the magic theme and both have witches who fall in love despite their cold nature.

I Married A Witch is one of my chidhood favourites and still is. I don't think anyone hasn't seen this one yet. It's a true classic!

Bell, Book And Candle I didn't like at first because Kim Novak's acting was terrible, but the film is still hilarious and I loved the feeling it left me. I think I'll have to watch it again to see if Novak's acting will still ruin it though.

That's all folks!


  1. Again, my list is almost exactly like yours. The ones I havenā€™t mentioned I shouldā€™ve...sometimes I donā€™t include films just because I want so badly to make my list shorter hahah!
    I desperately want to watch ā€˜Arsenic and Old Laceā€™ now but I think we should leave it for Halloween day, since the story was on Halloween...or should we watch it right now? Hehe...?

    Anyway, this is my list...of course Iā€™ll go into more detail on my blog.

    Favourite Fantasy Comedy :

    * I Married a Witch (1942)
    * The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
    * Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
    * Blithe Spirit (1945)
    * The Hidden Hand (1942)


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