Rainy Days

It's been raining today here at last!

It seems everything Rasha and I watch, somehow has a connection with our everyday life. By a lovely coincidence on today's episode of The Munsters, Herman sang Singing In The Rain hehehe

I love watching films (or reading) while it's raining outside. Usually there are a number of rainy day films I like to watch, but since we're in Macabtobre, we're watching The Desperate Hours, 1955. Humphrey Bogart is such a meanie in this film hahaha


  1. ...no coincidence...youā€™re Herman Munster and you sang ā€˜Singinā€™ in the Rainā€™ because it was raining.
    Yes Humphrey Bogartā€™s character was rotten and awful and I absolutely LOVE seeing him in such wicked roles hahah!!!

    1. Hahahahaha JERK!

      Hehehe me too because he does it so well!


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