Julie Andrews's 83rd Birthday

Today we celebrate Julie Andrews's birthday, so I'd like to wish her a wonderful one!

Julie Andrews's 20th birthday, Convent Garden, London, 1958                                      

I won't be posting a biography this time, but a poll question instead. I've only ever watched two of her films - the ones she is better known for - so my question will be about that.

I prefer Mary Poppins as it was my childhood favourite and still is one of my top favourite films of all time. I could watch it daily and still feel emotional.

Julie Andrews performance in Mary Poppins was far better and the character suited her more. She looked better in it too.

What do you think? Has anyone watched any of them?

I think I'd be shocked if the answer was no because I always assume these films were part of everyone's childhood.


  1. As a child I didnā€™t like ā€˜The Sound of Musicā€™. I got bored half way through...and now I still feel bored but not as much as I used to.
    Mary Poppins was always one of my favourite films and still is. So obviously I voted for it...heheh.
    By the way, youā€™ve watched another Julie Andrews film...

    1. I loved ā€˜The Sound of Musicā€™ as a child because there were many children and I wished we were all asclise as they were Hahahaha but of course even then I wouldnā€™t compare it to Mary Poppins.

      Did I? Which film is that? Hehe

    2. Hahha not a classic chuckaboo! Still donā€™t remember? Heheh
      Princess Diaries!

    3. Ah hahahahaha I thought a classic, yes I forgot about that one!

  2. Everytime I give the kids medicine when they were younger I sang "A spoon full of sugar" ... I think it made it easier for them and more relaxed .... they always replyed " Grumpch" the same way mama used to say it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bc she said it to them as well
    I'm sure the new Mary Poppins will be good but i so wish they brought Julie back to playing mary poppins... I wouldnt mind seeing an older Mary ... makes sense to me!

    1. Hehe thatā€™s so cute! I remember she used to do the same to us.

      Iā€™m really not for newer Mary Poppins, or newer versions of any of my favourites really, so if Julie was part of it or isnā€™t wouldnā€™t make a difference to me. Either way Iā€™m too sentimental and stubborn to accept it hehehe


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