REVIEW: Aladdin And His Magic Lamp (1966)

Title: Волшебная лампа Аладдина (Aladdin And His Magic Lamp)
Release Year: 1966
Language: Russian
Genre: Fantasy and Comedy
Cast: Boris Bystrov, Dodo Chogovadze, Andrey Fayt and Otar Koberidze
Plot: Aladdin finds a magic lamp and uses it to win the princess of Baghdad's hand in marriage and destroy an evil sorcerer.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Review: I watched this film a little after I found out about the excessively handsome Boris Bystrov. It was my first classic Russian film and I loved it.

I loved the opening scene, with a man riding a horse in the desert and into Baghdad at night. It was a great introduction to the film because it gave off a magical feeling. I knew then that it was going to be a great film, at least in terms of direction.

I was a bit surprised after that though, because I wasn't used to Russian films so I didn't understand if they were trying to be funny or just confusing...
I guess each culture has it's own way of expressing emotions and humour, but as you get accustomed to it, you will view it as it was intended.
Russian jokes are quick, sudden and very subtle, so they only hit me half a minute later hehehe.

It wasn't a romantic fantasy as I had hoped at the beginning but the story line was great and is nothing like any Aladdin version I'd seen before.

Aladdin's character is a lot different than how he is usually portrayed. In this film he's smart and loves reading. So instead of a street rat, he's a bookworm. He was a little strange too but so was everyone around him.

I loved all the characters and the jokes. My favourite scene was the "dream" sequence.

If you're interested in watching international classics I highly recommend this but don't expect it to be a serious fantasy, it's far from it and the acting is comical, yet it made it more enjoyable to watch. You can find it on YouTube but there are no English subtitles:

Has anybody seen this before? Also if you know of any good classic Russian films, I would love to get recommendations.


  1. Love this’s too funny. And yes, especially the dream part.
    I’m glad the Boris Bystrov is extremely handsome or else we probably wouldn’t have found this film...heheh.


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