POLL: Which Princess Story Is Your Favourite?

Since I already reviewed these three princess films, I want to know which turned out to be your favourite:

There are many princess stories but these three all have similarities in the storyline, where the princess pretends to be a commoner for a day and falls in love with one in the process.

My favourite of the three is Roman Holiday and not because it's the most popular - I don't usually base my likings on critical acclaim - but because not only the casting was perfect but the individual stories played well with the main one. The jokes were great and quotable, while the fashion was trendy that it impacted women at the time.

Another thing I liked was that it didn't end with a happily ever after like the rest. Don't get me wrong, I'm as sentimental as the next person and usually love happy endings but I prefer realistic, more convincing ones, unless it's an animation. Also because I'm sometimes dramatic.

So which is it?


  1. Definitely Roman Holiday since itā€™s one of my favourite films and the other two are nowhere close.
    I also love that it didnā€™t have a happy ending, thatā€™s probably why I like it so much...I wouldā€™ve hated it if she chose him at the end even though who wouldnā€™t...only she shouldnā€™t because sheā€™s a princess.


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