Mary Poppins' Premiere

Good morning everyone! Hope you had an amazing breakfast just like Walt Disney and Mary Poppins did!

Today marks the 54th year of the Premiere of Mary Poppins in 1964. This film is one of my childhood favourites and I cry everytime I watch it!

It makes me feel the most nostalgic because it reminds me of the good times when my whole family used to gather around the television set to watch it every summer in London. Oh, good ol' London, how I miss it!

You can watch the premiere here:


  1. I miss it too...especially that Mary Poppins was one of the things that gathered all of us together, it felt very strange not watching it with the whole family for a long time. Now it would feel very strange not watching it with you.
    I think it made it even more emotional for me to watch after knowing how much of The Sherman Brotherā€™s childhood went into this film, and the interviews of the cast and crew made every scene even harder to watch.

    1. Yes it's hard to find films or shows that have the whole cast and crew be immensly affected by it. Walt Disney always spent too many years on projects and involved everyone in them, that's why everyone felt like one big happy family. It's very hard to make someone feel nostalgic, but he did so often, I think even if someone hadn't watched it as a child, they'd feel emotional.

  2. Yes, I think so too...I love Walt Disney!


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