Good Night

I miss 'I Love Lucy'!
I'm supposed to in bed by this time but I stayed a little later than usual just to post my review. Hope you all enjoy them. I really should try to post two everyday because I have so many old ones left and I want to start posting new ones that I haven't yet posted on Instagram. I've seen so many new films lately so I'm so excited. Also I want to do those poll things I used to do!

Good night for now and hope you have a pleasant evening like me and the Ricardos!


  1. I miss Lucy and she misses me...hahha!
    We REALLY need the dvd collection. Letā€™s watch the Riiiiicardos tomorrow...yes?

    1. Weā€™s gonna cheat? I donā€™t mind but it feels better with the DVD so we donā€™t have to watch it on Apple TV. Iā€™ll check on amazon tomorrow if we donā€™t get it this time then we watch OK!


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