Bow Tie Day

Today is Bow Tie Day! I didn't know such a day existed, before just now hehe.
Don't you just love men in fancy pants clothes, I do, I love them chrome-plated baby! Especially in tailcoats, they look simply divine!

Brief History:
The idea was created by Croations in the 17th century, by using a scarf to hold their shirts. It was later adopted by the French upper-class and they called it a Cravat.
As France was a leader in fashion, bow ties became popular by the 18th and 19th centuries. And thus the bow tie was born.

Bow Tie-ing Instructions:

There's an etiquette to wearing bow ties and I thought I'd share it with you incase you needed it, like Frank Sinatra in this picture with Ava Gardner. If only he had those darn instructions, he wouldn't need his wife to tie his bow tie for him!


What is your favourite type of Bow Tie?

My favourites are:
Square Ends in 3 & 7 and Paris Pointed Ends in 8.

Which one of your favourite stars, looked the most dashing with a Bow Tie?

As usual I couldn't make up my mind because they all looked fabulous wearing them, but this time I chose one. This way, I don't end up with a big list like I always do hehe plus I didn't want to spend an eternity searching for each and every one of my favourites wearing one, not that it would've been hard to find because men back then had class, so it's easy to find pictures.

Gary Cooper is the living end, so he always looked perfectionary in anything but he looked even better with a bow tie.



  1. Youā€™re such a silly billy about the Frank Sinatra and Eva Gardner part hahahha!
    Even though all men back then looked absolutely amazing with bow ties, Gary Cooper is obviously number one when it comes to this...he always looks perfect in a top hat, tale coat and bow tie...heā€™s a dandy!
    Alain Delon looks more than handsome in a bow tie too.
    And then thereā€™s also Yul Brynner and Montgomery Clift...
    But this is not actually fair, since Iā€™ll always choose these four men because theyā€™re the 4 most handsome men in my naturally, I feel they look the best in everything.

    1. hahahha
      Yes it's why I chose one, so when people read they don't think Hollywood just consists of them hehehehe


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