To blow or not to blow, that is the question

Right now, I'm trying my best to strenghthen my immune system but that won't be fixed in a fortnight.
Anyway, having a cold means doing a lot of blowing and blowing is - as told by Rasha - supposed to be really bad. So I searched for ways that are considered all right for blowing.
First of all, blowing your nose is bad because it causes pressure in your sinus plus my brain hurts when I do it. Constant blowing may also cause nose bleed and that's really annoying.
So how do we blow then?!!! Just follow these here steps:
- Use a soft tissue. You know it's soft if the Ply number on it is high - check the label, the more ply the softer the tissue. Plus, any tissue that has aloe vera is PERFECT.
- Do not make a lot of pressure while blowing.
- Press one nostril with your finger, whilst you blow gently on the other.
Oh and do not forget to try your best to actually rid yourself of your cold hehe
What you should do instead of taking medications is:
- Take a drop of vinegar with a table spoon of olive oil when you wake up. That is what the profit Mohammed (peace be upon him) did.
- Boil an orange with the skin and then squeeze the juice and drink it warm. That's what my mum does.
- Drink ginger with lemon and honey. Also done by mum.
do I have to be ill for you to make my character have on the sleeping eyes thing? :(
ReplyDelete...MAKE IT NOW!!
hehehhehe ok